Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Photos I took that could be better with Lightroom

I'm excited to get and learn to use LightRoom for photo edits. I have a lot of photos that I love but I know they could be better with some editing. Here are some of those:

Dehaze would be good for this one! 

I would dehaze this one as well, maybe also increase the contrast.

This one is a little fuzzy.

This one is hazy as well.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

My Experience with Photography

While I have some experience with photography and handling DSLR cameras, I have absolutely no experience with blogging. I never thought I'd be a blogger. These are a few of my favorite first pictures, taken years and years ago when I first got interested in wildlife photography so I have no idea what camera settings I used. They were taken in Texas, where I was born and raised.