Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Macro Photography for Beginners

One subject we didn't really discuss in class that I'm mildly interested in was Macro Photography. Since I was interested in it, I did a quick google search and came up with a really good article explaining it and some techniques really well.

Really good link to Macro Photography for beginners

As it turns out, macro photography used to be really complicated and require a lot of specialized equipment, but nowadays a lot of newer DSLR cameras have a macro setting even. What I didn't know about shooting macro was that the best macro photography requires that you use the smallest aperture possible to gain image sharpness and depth of field. This means you need more light, so you have to extend the exposure time to get a well exposed photograph.

That's a little more complicated than I originally thought it would be, but I would love to be able to take pictures like the ones below by (in order) Alfian Ismail and Aaron Burden.

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